
“Let choice whisper in your ear and love murmer in your heart. Be ready. Here comes life” -Maya Angelou

Birth Doula


Protector of your birth plan

  • 2-4 visits prenatal visits

  • Assistance developing birth plan

  • On-call for family after 38 weeks

  • Continuous labor and birth support

  • Physical, emotional, informational, and spiritual support during labor and birth

  • Preservation of a positive, affirming, and peaceful birthing space

  • Use of non-medical support techniques (massage, counter-pressure, etc.)

  • Birth log of significant events and milestones

  • Birth photography or video (if desired and/or possible)

  • Breastfeeding support after birth

  • Referrals to local or virtual support services and additional client portal resources

*fees vary depending on duration of labor and requests from families. sliding scale always available

Postpartum Support


Helping families navigate systems

  • 2-4 in-home visits*

  • Baby care

  • Emotional support

  • Light housekeeping

  • Meal Prep

  • Information on resources

*additional visits available upon request

Childbirth Education


  • Individualized sessions based on your birth priorities, questions, and worries to decrease your fear and increase your confidence!

  • non-drug comfort measures/relaxation techniques/breathing patterns for labor

  • what to expect of our babies and bodies during labor and birth

  • positions for labor/birth

  • how to time contractions

  • common interventions at the hospital and how to utilize/avoid them depending on your preferences

  • pain medications and drugs for labor

  • clarify your desires for birth

  • develop a plan for early labor